

"The FIRMsAPP is one of the most useful tools in the scene kit of any fire investigator. It helps to take out the element of human fallibility when developing and testing a final hypothesis of the cause of fire and it's quick and easy to use. It not only gives you peace of mind that you have considered all possible causes of fire, but it provides you and your client with the evidence trail which led to your conclusion. I would never complete a scene without it.".


"I have used the FIRMsAPP at a variety of fire scenes and have found that the road maps remain applicable to all. The decision log that is generated demonstrates the application of the scientific method and is a contemporaneous record of all the potential hypothesis in to the cause of the fire that have been considered. The decision log not only demonstrates how the final hypothesis were selected but documents those hypotheses that have been considered and discounted.  These road maps provide additional support and compliment your existing fire investigation report demonstrating that a systematic approach has been applied to the investigation. This app is a powerful tool that allows users to 'document the facts that support the final hypothesis to the exclusion of all other reasonable hypotheses'. (NFPA 921:2017 4.3.7).

James Acott BSc (Hons) MSc EngTech MIFireE IAAI-CFI(V) IAAI-ECT MIAAI MAE FFireInv

"The first time I used the FIRMS App I realised its value. We all know about tunnel and funnel vision, but it is still easy to get distracted especially when someone says, 'look at this'. The FIRMsAPP gives a structure and methodology to your investigation."

Mike Burroughs MSc MA BSc(Hons) FIFireE FFireInv MIAAI ACIEA

"I have used the app in fire investigation and it provides a clear decision log with the hypotheses at the end of the report forming an excellent check list against my findings at the scene. In addition I have used the app with the agreement of the CPS and defence lawyers in a Crown Court arson case review, whereby the app confirmed to the court the hypotheses quoted in my report, highlighting a major hypothesis the other side had left out of their report. The result was an acquittal.

A FIRMS report only takes about 15 minutes to complete and provides an excellent checklist at the end if an examination".

Robert Milne

"The use of the FIRMs app, prior to leaving the scene of an investigation, ensures that I have considered all possible potential ignition sources. It does not act as a tick box scene examination but enhances the investigative process by documenting the applied methodology. When printed, the decision log acts as a record of the decisions made in determining the final hypothesis.

This is a tool that all fire investigators should be using."

John G

"A great scene based application that guides you down the road of origin and cause, prompting you to consider all hypothesis and record your thought process"

Chris Clarke

"The FIRMs app provides fire investigators with a means to document causation hypotheses in a manner that is simplified, thorough, and user-friendly, producing a document that is readily available."

Casandra L. Jones
Business Administrator
Forensic Investigations Group

"A powerful tool for the skilled and trained fire investigator. A brilliant, objective, self-analysis tool for “firming” up your processes of data collection and investigation at a fire scene."

Robert K. Toth

"Having used the FIRM application at recent incidents I can thoroughly recommend it as tool to have in your fire investigation toolbox. It is simple to use, acts as a aide memoir and reference resource whilst at the scene and date/time stamps your contemporaneous investigation decision log as you go. PDF reports can then be exported once your investigation is complete, or alternatively it can be ‘paused’ and referenced if you are unable to complete your investigation due to a lack of available evidence. What’s not to like, it’s a no brainer, get it today!"

Steve Stock

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